Chapter V: Regions
NYSAM is a statewide Society with no specified regional structure. NYSAM encourages regional collegiality and local events.
Chapter VI: Elections
Section 1. Dates and Eligibility
Officers and Directors At-Large shall be elected every two years.
Only current NYSAM members, in good standing, are eligible to be elected Officers or Directors At-Large.
Section 2. Nominations
The Nominating Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President, shall develop a slate of Officers (including President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer) for the NYSAM Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee will evaluate the inclusivity and diversity of all nominations prior to approval. The Nominating Committee shall prepare ballots for Officers and At-Large BOD Members. For Officers, the Nominating Committee will submit a slate of candidates for voting purposes. For At-Large BOD Members, the Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of, at a minimum, 3 candidates for each At-Large BOD Member position. The slate of candidates will be vetted for their qualifications and then submitted to a vote to the general membership, and Elections will then proceed as in Chapter VI, Section 3. Nominations presented by the Nominating Committee are subject to majority approval by the Board of Directors. All nominations must be open to the general membership within 30 days of the NYSAM Annual Meeting. The general membership will be notified by electronic communication and a posting on the NYSAM website of all open positions.
If the NYSAM Annual Meeting does not occur as scheduled or is postponed due to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstances, the same procedure as above will occur on a different date.
For the Regional Director to ASAM position, all candidates will be vetted initially by the Nominating Committee, then the slate will be submitted to the Board of Directors in its entirety for a majority vote. A minimum of two candidates will be submitted to ASAM for election.
Section 3. Balloting
The Secretary or the Communications Chair or their designee will send via email and post on the NYSAM website the slate of nominees at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the Annual Meeting to all active members eligible to vote in NYSAM’s election of Officers. The list of members eligible to vote along with their email addresses will be on file with NYSAM’s administrative support.
The election shall take place one week prior to the NYSAM Annual Meeting via electronic voting. The slate of nominees shall be announced by the Immediate Past President, or a designated member of the Nominating Committee.
Candidates obtaining a majority of votes from ballots cast electronically prior to the Annual Meeting will be deemed elected to their respective positions. In the case of a tie vote between two or more candidates, the BOD by majority, shall cast a deciding vote.
If the NYSAM Annual Meeting does not occur as scheduled or is postponed due to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstances, the same procedure as above will occur on a different date.